FROM THE PGC WEB SITE; "American martens could be reintroduced to Pennsylvania, and the draft plan that would guide their translocation and management is available for public review.
Today, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners approved the release of the -raft “American Marten Reintroduction and Management Plan for Pennsylvania,” a long-term, 10-year strategy to translocate the species back to the state, then conduct comprehensive monitoring to evaluate that reintroduction.
Important aspects of the plan include potential sources of martens, potential release locations, and opportunities to work with partner organizations. It also discusses the capture, transport, health evaluations, and release methodology. Finally, the plan provides a timeline and cost estimate for the project.
The plan can be viewed at the Game Commission’s website, Comments about the plan can emailed to by Nov 15.
The American marten (Martes americana) is a small furbearer. Martens weigh between 1 and 3 pounds and measure between 19 and 27 inches, making them the same size as adult mink or fox squirrel.
Martens were once commonly found in portions of Pennsylvania. They disappeared from the Commonwealth in the early 1900s, though, due to deforestation and unregulated harvest.
Research shows the potential for Pennsylvania to support them once again.
The Game Commission recently completed a Reintroduction Feasibility Assessment for American Martens. The assessment – which looked at current habitat suitability, future climatic impacts, interactions with other species, and public opinion – found that martens would have sufficient habitat and pose little to no risk to other species.
Habitat suitability modeling, for example, shows that there is sufficient habitat within Pennsylvania for a marten population. Extensive research from across the marten’s range proves that most of their diet consists of small mammals such as voles, mice, and shrews, as well as insects and plants.
Much information about martens is available from the Game Commission at There are links to several maps, videos, webinars, and the Feasibility Assessment."
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