APRIL 14, 2022
Muzette, PA- Thanks to Seneca Resources
Company, Mr. Josh Peters, and members of the Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny a replacement sign was installed at the “Project
2020” site in the Muzette Proving Grounds (MPG) on April 14, 2022.
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Members Roy Towner (L), Kaz, and Barbara Kazmarek commence the replacement procedure. |
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Member Roy anchors the replacement sign. |
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Roy climbed the ladder. |
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Kaz planned and coordinated the project.
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Roy did the work. |
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Roy admires his work. |
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Thanks to members Kaz (L), Roy, and Barbara for their coordinated effort. |
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The High HareMan (L) took the pictures. |
History: In late 2019 the Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny commenced a habitat reclamation project on land owned by Seneca Resources Company.
The project was conducted in cooperation and with the assistance of Seneca Resources Company and their Forester.
The project's stated mission was to "improve nesting and escape cover" for all small mammals including eastern cottontail rabbits.
A professionally produced metal sign was placed on a permanent 4"X4" treated post with the consent and authorization of the landowner. The object of the sign was to inform passersby of what was happening at the site, who was doing the work, and that it was being accomplished with the permission and cooperation of the landowner. Another lesser objective was to show that Seneca Resources Company was interested in conservation.
The sign made it through 2 winters, however, in late 2021 it was discovered our sign was missing and had mysteriously disappeared.
The missing sign would have had no value to anyone except to the members of the Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny.
The Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny offered a reward for the safe return of the sign. The High HareMan offered to match the reward.
The Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny also offered a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator or perpetrators.
Over the course of months, several persons were interviewed without results.
Mr. Josh Peters from Seneca Resources Company, the former owner of the land, saw our post on the WMU-2F Facebook page. Mr. Peters convinced his employer, Seneca Resources Company, to replace the sign.
A new sign, exactly like the original sign, was commissioned by Seneca Resources and produced by Grezak Signs of Brookville, PA.
On April 14, 2022, the new sign was placed by members, Barbara and Kaz Kazmarek and Roy Towner.
The High HareMan on behalf of all the members wishes to thank Seneca Resources Company, Josh Peters, Grezak Signs, and especially faithful members Barbara Kazmarek, Kaz Kazmarek, and Roy Towner.
The sign looks great in its rightful place.