Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 09-2018

James Creek Sidney Crosby @ home on June 09,2018. Sid is a big dog. He's going to be one powerful hare hound.

James Creek Sidney Crosby is a lap full. Sid is trying to run rabbits, getting better every day.

Sidney loves to run with the pack. I'm not sure he has found a check yet but he tongues.

Sid is able to follow a cottontail through the mowed yard and even better in the golden rod.

Sid hunts hard, knows what he's looking for, takes the line quickly in the right direction and seldom takes the line in the wrong direction. He handles well, follows orders, loves people and other hounds. He may even be a stud dog already.

June 11, 2017
Sidney kicked his first rabbit today and ran it a ways before the pack took over.   

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