The late Nellie in her prime. |
TO: All members of the Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny, lovers of the beagle breed and friends of the great outdoors.
FROM: The High HareMan
It is with sadness and a heavy heart we relay the news of the passing of a great hare hound, Andy's Nellie. Nellie passed away in her sleep on October 9, 2017.
In the words of Brenda Hoover, "we had to say “goodbye” to Nell yesterday morning. She stopped eating and wagging her tail several days ago; and, she could just barely stand or move around. The vet said that she was getting more fluid in her lungs and heart, also. We knew, for some time, that this day was coming. As you know, that doesn’t make it any easier.
Nell sure was a trooper, though, this past year, or so, as her health rapidly declined. Every time we thought about having her put to sleep, she would seem to improve a little. I told Andy that she was hanging in there until we got the new puppy, so she could be sure a new team was in place. And, that she did. I’m sure she slept away willingly and in peace. I hope she’s a puppy again, chasing rabbits with Molly and the rest of the pack on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge."
In 2015 it was my privilege and honor as the High HareMan to announce the naming of
Nellie (Crain’s HH Little Toby Creek Toby x Crain’s HH Little Toby Creek
Sandstone Sandy, breeder J. Ewing) to the Big Woods Hare Hunters of the
Allegheny Hare Hound Hall of Fame. Nellie will be forever remembered as the first hound to be enshrined into the Big Woods Hare Hunters Hall of Fame.
Andy’s Nellie led hundreds of runs across the
Allegheny. Hunting with Nellie was pure
pleasure. A smile comes over my face as
I recall the many great runs over the years.
I truly believe I will never see a hound of this caliber again in my
Nellie won no trophies or ribbons but she may have been, she was one of the best hounds to ever chase a hare on the Allegheny High Plateau. What will live on in my memory will be the many endless chases across
the Allegheny Plateau and the Western Mountains of Maine. May the sweet hound music echo across the Allegheny forever.
Nellie at full cry during a hare chase on the Allegheny High Plateau.
Nellie, still a puppy, at Little Toby Creek Kennel, 2004. |
Nellie with bandaged ear, May 2009. |
Nellie with duck tape boot. |
Nellie running with bandaged foot. |
Nellie hunting the Great North Woods of Maine. |
Nellie (bottom) and Molly hunting the deep snows of the Allegheny Plateau. |
Nellie and litter mates with their mother shortly after being whelped November 2004. |
Nellie and her litter mates November 2004.
Additional: An email from a friend.
Thanks, Brenda and Joe, for your comforting words of sympathy and for your praise of Nell.
We are confident that Teagan will teach Emma, as well as Nell taught her.
Even though part of one era closes sadly, it is exciting to anticipate the next generation
and envision the “reign” of Emma and Sidney!
We hope for healthy hounds and safe chases!
Brenda and Andy
Wayne Wilson commented on Facebook: Nellie was an all star, so sad to hear she is gone.
But will not be forgotten for those of us who was fortunate to hunt with her. Sorry Andy
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