We were saddened to learn of the passing of Branko's High Plateau Duggan.
Branko's High Plateau Duggan (center), pictured with Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny Hall of Fame Hound Wilson' Freck (right) and Duggan's offspring Little Toby Creek Shamus.
Duggan and his pack spent many days chasing snowshoe hare and cottontail rabbits on the Allegheny High Plateau and across Pennsylvania. Duggan, 13 years, ran hundreds of snowshoe hare in Maine and cottontail rabbits in Maryland. Duggan was owned, trained, and hunted by Big Woods Hare Hunters of the Allegheny member, Mr. Wayne Wilson of Corsica, PA., to whom we send our condolences. Duggan was sired by Word Large Pack Champion Branko's One Tuff Hombre. Duggan was whelped by Frieda and Branko Krpan.  | Wayne, Duggan, and Freck in Maine.